Muslim prayer times are designated times during the day when they offer their daily prayers, or salah. Islam teaches five prayers, which are fundamental to the faith: Asr in the afternoon, Maghrib right after sunset, Fajr before sunrise, Dhuhr after midday, and Isha after twilight.

Islamic applications or nearby mosques can help people find out when to perform these acts of worship, which are based on the sun’s position. Throughout the day, Muslims can use it to commemorate times of gratitude and reflection, allowing them to regularly connect with their faith.

Dhaka Namaz Time Today

Namaz time, also known as Salah or prayer time, holds deep significance in Islam, marking moments of spiritual connection and devotion throughout the day. It punctuates the daily routine, reminding believers to pause and turn towards God. The five obligatory prayers—Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha—are observed at specific times, aligning with the movement of the sun. Each prayer carries its own unique spiritual ambiance, fostering reflection, gratitude, and supplication. Namaz time serves as a harmonizing force, uniting Muslims worldwide in a shared rhythm of worship, reinforcing their bond with the Divine and their commitment to the pillars of Islam.

আজকের ৫ ওয়াক্ত নামাজের শুরু এবং শেষ সময়: 13 February, Thursday


আজকের ফজরের নামাজের ওয়াক্ত শুরু ভোর 05:18 AM মিনিটে এবং ফজরের নামাজের ওয়াক্তের শেষ সময় ভোর 06:32 AM মিনিট।


আজকের জোহরের নামাজের ওয়াক্ত শুরু দুপুর 12:16 PM মিনিটে এবং জোহরের নামাজের ওয়াক্তের শেষ সময় বিকেল 04:15 PM মিনিট।


আজকের আসরের নামাজের ওয়াক্ত শুরু বিকেল 04:15 PM মিনিটে এবং আসরের নামাজের ওয়াক্তের শেষ সময় বিকেল 05:56 PM মিনিট।


আজকের মাগরিবের নামাজের ওয়াক্ত শুরু সন্ধ্যা 05:56 PM মিনিটে এবং মাগরিবের নামাজের ওয়াক্তের শেষ সময় সন্ধ্যা ৬:৩০ মিনিট।


আজকের ইশার নামাজের ওয়াক্ত শুরু সন্ধ্যা 07:11 PM মিনিটে এবং ইশার নামাজের ওয়াক্তের শেষ সময় রাত ১১:৫৫ মিনিট। (সুবহি সাদিকের পূর্ব পর্যন্ত ইশার সময় বিদ্যমান থাকে, তবে মধ্য রাতের আগেই ইশার নামাজ আদায় করা উত্তম।)

Date 13 February, Thursday
Fajr 05:18 AM
Sunrise 06:32 AM
Dhuhr 12:16 PM
Asr 04:15 PM
Maghrib 05:56 PM
Sunset 05:56 PM
Isha 07:11 PM

আরও দেখুনঃ তাহাজ্জুদ নামাজের সময়, নিয়ত ও দোয়া)

Muslims Prayer Times

Daily calls to prayer, known as adhan, serve as a reminder of the salat to Muslims. Mosques have a muezzin, who is the official caller of prayer, who delivers the adhan. The muezzin reads the Kalimah and Takbir during the call to prayer.

Formerly, the calls were issued directly from the minaret of the mosque, though many contemporary mosques have loudspeakers installed to improve the clarity of the call for the faithful. The sun’s position determines the actual prayer times.

Prayer Performed time Purpose
Fajr Before sunrise This prayer remembers Allah at the beginning of the day.
Dhuhr Soon after noon, once the workday has begun, one takes a break. To remember Allah again and seek His guidance.
Asr In the late afternoon To keep in mind Allah and life’s ultimate purpose.
Maghrib Just after the sun goes down As the end of the day approaches.
Isha Before retiring for the night To keep in mind the kindness, forgiveness, guidance, and presence of Allah.

Note: The different times of day for prayer were once determined simply by observing the sun. These days, printed daily prayer schedules mark the exact start of every prayer period. Indeed, there are a ton of apps available for that.

For devoted Muslims, skipping prayers is a grave transgression of faith. However, there are situations where missing prayer time is unavoidable. Muslims are required by tradition to either recite the missed prayer as part of the following regular salat or to make up for it as soon as possible.

Dhaka Namaz Wakto time Today

13 February, Thursday Time
Fajr (ফজর) Waqt time Start in Dhaka 05:18 AM
Dhuhr (যোহর) Waqt time Start in Dhaka 12:16 PM
Asr (আসর) Waqt time Start in Dhaka 04:15 PM
Maghrib (মাগরিব) Waqt time Start in Dhaka 05:56 PM
Isha (এশা) Waqt time Start in Dhaka 07:11 PM

Namaz Last time Today Dhaka

13 February, Thursday Time
Fajr Namaz last time Dhaka 06:32 AM
Maghrib Namaz last time Dhaka 05:56 PM

Muslim Prayer Schedules:

Divisional time to be added/subtracted from the time specified for divisional city-

Time must be subtracted from:

  • Chittagong: -05 minutes.
  • Sylhet: -06 minutes.

Time to be added:

  • Khulna: +03 minutes.
  • Rajshahi: +07 minutes.
  • Rangpur: +08 minutes.
  • Barisal: +01 min.

Check also: Ramadan Time Schedules

The Importance of Five Daily Prayers

Five times prayer is a very important worship for Muslims. Prayer helps Muslims communicate with Allah and obey His instructions. Muslims can receive Allah’s mercy and blessings through prayer. Prayer helps Muslims to do good deeds and refrain from evil deeds. There are many benefits of praying five times a day. Some of these benefits are:

  • Allah’s mercy and blessings can be obtained.
  • It helps to do good deeds and refrain from evil deeds.
  • The mind calms down and mental tranquility is attained.
  • Body and mind are healthy.
  • Peace and prosperity prevail in society and state.
  • Every Muslim needs to offer five prayers a day.

In addition to the five daily prayers, Friday prayers hold significant value for the Muslims of Dhaka. Men are required to attend Friday prayers, which are typically held in mosques. It is a time for Muslims to gather, hear a sermon, and engage in communal prayer.

Islamic Foundation Bangladesh Prayer Schedules

The Islamic Foundation has released the 2024 five-day prayer schedule for the entire district of Bangladesh including Dhaka district. At the same time, the schedule of Sehri and Iftar of all other days of fasting including the holy month of Ramadan 2024 has been published.

Islamic Foundation Bangladesh, schedules Iftar and Sehri for fasting with prayers every year. This schedule is determined by scientific method. Based on Dhaka district, the capital of Bangladesh, the permanent timings of Namaz and Sehri-Iftar have been fixed in other districts of the country. The daily prayer times of all the districts of the country are determined based on the wisdom and scientific knowledge of the learned ulama of the country and abroad.

How are the Prayer Times Calculated?

The precise location of the sun in the sky dictates the prayer times for each of the five prayers. The times for Salah and prayer are normally subject to change every day. The time only changes by about one minute every day on average, but occasionally it stays the same for several days in a row. It’s crucial to review the daily prayer schedule due to time changes.

The exact times of prayer must be followed because they are determined by the sun’s position. Never begin a prayer earlier than the scheduled time. Every prayer has a precise time that it is supposed to be said.


Why should every Muslim pray regularly?

Almighty Allah has made prayer obligatory for every human being. Salat is an obligatory act of worship for every human being. So every Muslim should pray regularly. It is not right to skip prayer even in the most difficult moments of life. Through students we can achieve success in this world and hereafter.

Is the prayer schedule the same in all districts?

The prayer schedule is calculated depending on sunrise and sunset. Therefore, in some districts, the prayer time may be 2-3 minutes earlier or 3-4 minutes later than Dhaka. So no matter which district you live in, pray according to the prayer schedule of that district.

Can pray at any time?

It is through prayer that we get nearness to Allah. Namaz is the prayer through which we talk to Allah, so it can be offered at any time.

Why is prayer to be perform at the right time?

It is the duty of every believer to pray at the right time. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an about praying at the right time, “Surely prayer has been made obligatory for the believer at the appointed time.” So it is the responsibility of every believer to pray at the right time.

What are the Makruh times of prayer?

There are three times when recitation in any form of prayer, funeral prayer and Sijdah is prohibited: at sunrise, when the sun is directly overhead. When the sun goes down. However, if the Asr of that day is not recited, it can be recited at this Makrooh time.


Namaz or Salat is the second pillar of Islam. A true Muslim prays to please his Lord. Through 5 daily prayers, a believer seeks his own satisfaction as well as his closeness to the Lord, presents various problems to his Lord, and seeks the grace of the Lord.

A believer connects with his Lord through prayer. Thanks for the greatness of Allah through prayer. Every believer thanks Allah from the bottom of his heart. Therefore, every servant wants to pray regularly to gain closeness to Allah, to receive grace. But there is a proper time for prayer. So there are many virtues of praying at the right time.