Ramadan Time Schedules, Calender: Ramadan, the holy month, is rapidly approaching. Ramadan 2024 will start on March 12, 2024, and end on April 10, 2024, which is Ramadan 1445 in the Islamic calendar. Muslims observe the fasting ritual during Ramadan as a demonstration of their commitment to upholding one of the tenets of Islam. The meal eaten at dawn to prepare for the fast, sehri, is the first meal of Ramadan.
When is Ramadan 2024?
The Holy month of Ramadan occurs every year about ten days earlier in the Gregorian calendar because the Islamic calendar is based on the phases of the moon, also referred to as the lunar cycle. Ramadan is anticipated to start this year on either Monday, March 11 or Tuesday, March 12, 2024, depending on whether the moon is visible in Mecca.
Typically, Saudi Arabia, a few regions of India, and a few Western nations are the first to see the crescent of Ramadan. The remainder of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other nations typically see it a day later.
আজকের সেহরির শেষ সময়: 05:13 AM
আজকের ইফতারের সময়: 05:55 PM
Date : 12 February, Wednesday | Time |
Sahri | 05:13 AM |
Fajr | 05:19 AM |
Sunrise | 06:33 AM |
Dhuhr | 12:16 PM |
Asr | 04:15 PM |
Maghrib and Iftar time | 05:55 PM |
Isha | 07:10 PM |
Ramadan Calender 2024
The holy month of Ramadan rotates by about ten days every year because the Islamic calendar is based on the lunar cycle. When the eighth month of the Islamic (Hijri) calendar, Shaban, comes to an end, Ramadan officially begins. It is anticipated that the holy month of Ramadan will start this year on Sunday, March 10, 2024. The precise time is determined by the moon sighting.
The Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr officially signifies the end of Ramadan. The moon sighting determines the precise timing. The Islamic month of Shawwal, the tenth month in the Islamic calendar, officially marks the beginning of Eid al-Fitr. Based on lunar sightings, Ramadan is predicted to conclude on April 8, 2024, this year.
Last 05/02/2024, Islami Foundation published the Ramadan schedule of Dhaka district. This month of Ramadan is very important and significant for a Muslim. Because this month is a month full of virtues, every Muslim wants to remove all the sins in his life. For that, a Muslim makes the ultimate sacrifice in this month of Ramadan.
রোজার নিয়ত:
বাংলায় উচ্চারণ: নাওয়াইতু আন আছুমা গদাম মিন শাহরি রমাদ্বানাল মুবারকি ফারদ্বল্লাকা ইয়া আল্লাহু ফাতাক্বব্বাল মিন্নী ইন্নাকা আংতাস সামীউল আলীম।
অর্থ: আয় আল্লাহ পাক! আপনার সন্তুষ্টির জন্য আগামীকালের রমাদ্বান শরীফ-এর ফরয রোযা রাখার নিয়ত করছি। আমার তরফ থেকে আপনি তা কবুল করুন। নিশ্চয়ই আপনি সর্বশ্রোতা , সর্বজ্ঞাত।
মাসআলা: কেউ যদি ছুবহি ছাদিক্বের পূর্বে নিয়ত করতে ভুলে যায় তাহলে তাকে দ্বিপ্রহরের পূর্বে নিয়ত করতে হবে। তখন এভাবে নিয়ত করবে:
বাংলায় উচ্চারণ: নাওয়াইতু আন আছুমাল ইয়াওমা মিন শাহরি রমাদ্বানাল মুবারকি ফারদ্বাল্লাকা ইয়া আল্লাহু ফা তাক্বাব্বাল মিন্নী ইন্নাকা আংতাস সামীউল আলীম।
ইফতারের দোয়া:
বাংলায় উচ্চারণ: (আল্লাহুম্মা সুমতু লাকা, ওয়া তাওআক্কালতু আ‘লা রিঝক্বিকা, ওয়া আফতারতু বিরাহমাতিকা ইয়া আরহামার রহিমীন)
অর্থ: আয় আল্লাহ পাক! আমি আপনারই সন্তুষ্টির জন্য রোযা রেখেছি এবং আপনারই দেয়া রিযিক্ব দ্বারা ইফতার করছি।
Ramadan | Date | Day | Sahri | Iftar |
রহমতের ১০ দিন | ||||
1 | 12 Mar | Tue | 04:51 AM | 06:10 PM |
2 | 13 Mar | Wed | 04:50 AM | 06:10 PM |
3 | 14 Mar | Thu | 04:49 AM | 06:11 PM |
4 | 15 Mar | Fri | 04:48 AM | 06:11 PM |
5 | 16 Mar | Sat | 04:47 AM | 06:11 PM |
6 | 17 Mar | Sun | 04:46 AM | 06:12 PM |
7 | 18 Mar | Mon | 04:45 AM | 06:12 PM |
8 | 19 Mar | Tue | 04:44 AM | 06:12 PM |
9 | 20 Mar | Wed | 04:43 AM | 06:13 PM |
10 | 21 Mar | Thu | 04:42 AM | 06:13 PM |
মাগফিরাতের ১০ দিন | ||||
11 | 22 Mar | Fri | 04:41 AM | 06:13 PM |
12 | 23 Mar | Sat | 04:40 AM | 06:14 PM |
13 | 24 Mar | Sun | 04:39 AM | 06:14 PM |
14 | 25 Mar | Mon | 04:37 AM | 06:15 PM |
15 | 26 Mar | Tue | 04:36 AM | 06:15 PM |
16 | 27 Mar | Wed | 04:35 AM | 06:15 PM |
17 | 28 Mar | Thu | 04:34 AM | 06:16 PM |
18 | 29 Mar | Fri | 04:32 AM | 06:16 PM |
19 | 30 Mar | Sat | 04:31 AM | 06:16 PM |
20 | 31 Mar | Sun | 04:30 AM | 06:17 PM |
নাজাতের ১০ দিন | ||||
21 | 01 Apr | Mon | 04:29 AM | 06:17 PM |
22 | 02 Apr | Tue | 04:28 AM | 06:18 PM |
23 | 03 Apr | Wed | 04:27 AM | 06:18 PM |
24 | 04 Apr | Thu | 04:26 AM | 06:19 PM |
25 | 05 Apr | Fri | 04:25 AM | 06:19 PM |
26 | 06 Apr | Sat | 04:24 AM | 06:20 PM |
27 | 07 Apr | Sun | 04:23 AM | 06:20 PM |
28 | 08 Apr | Mon | 04:22 AM | 06:21 PM |
29 | 09 Apr | Tue | 04:21 AM | 06:21 PM |
30 | 10 Apr | Wed | 04:20 AM | 06:22 PM |
Ramadan Schedule Calendar 2024 Download
Among us there are many who are devout Muslims. Those who want to download the fasting calendar and keep it on their mobile or computer device. Because with so many activities, there is no time to go to the calendar and see everything.
This year fasting may start on March 12 or 13 depending on the sighting of the moon in the month of Ramadan. Accordingly, the Islamic Foundation has fixed the schedule of Sahri and Iftar in Dhaka on March 12. According to the schedule, the last time of Sahri on the first day of fasting on March 12 is 4:51 AM and Iftar time is 6:10 AM.
According to the Islamic Foundation, according to the distance, the people of different parts of the country will have Sahri and Iftar by adding or subtracting a maximum of 9 minutes from Dhaka time.
Ramadan Calendar by Islamic Foundation Bangladesh
Every year, the Islamic Foundation of Bangladesh releases the official schedule for ramjan Sehri and Iftar during Ramadan. The foundation also plans to announce the Mahe Ramjan Calendar in 2024, which is based on the moon’s appearance. The Islamic Foundation’s Ramadan Calendar and the Hizri 1445 Sehri and Iftar schedule can be found here. This is the Islamic Foundation’s official website: http://www.islamicfoundation.gov.bd.
জেলা ভিত্তিক সেহরি ও ইফতারের সময়সূচী
Barisal Division |
Chittagong Division |
Dhaka Division |
· Barguna · Barishal · Bhola · Pirojpur |
· Chandpur · Comilla · Feni · Noakhali |
· Dhaka · Faridpur · Gazipur · Rajbari · Tangail |
Khulna Division |
Mymensingh Division |
Rajshahi Division |
· Bagerhat · Jashore · Khulna · Kushtia · Magura · Meherpur · Narail · Satkhira |
· Jamalpur · Sherpur |
· Bogura · Naogaon · Natore · Pabna · Rajshahi |
Rangpur Division |
Sylhet Division |
· Dinajpur · Kurigram · Rangpur |
· Habiganj · Sylhet |
Significance of Ramadan
Now let’s know about the significance of Ramadan. Fasting is one of the obligatory acts of Islam. It is a self-purifying worship. Fasting is obligatory on every adult male and female. Ramadan has special importance and significance for the Muslim Ummah.
If someone observes all the fasts of Ramadan in the hope of reward, Allah will forgive all his past sins. In addition, the distinguished companion of Islam, Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Umar Radiyallahu Ta’ala Anhu said. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that the Qur’an and fasting will intercede for the slaves on the Maidan of Hashar and Allah Ta’ala will accept their intercession. So we need to know Ramadan Time Table 2024.
This month has been designated by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala as a holy month of blessing for people who have sincere intentions and a genuine desire to pray. He pardons those of his people who follow their word and observe the holy month of fasting with unadulterated devotion. In addition, Muslims study the Holy Quran, perform neighborhood prayers inside mosques, and view the days of Ramadan as periods of reflection.
Final words
Like every year, the month of Ramadan has come in 2024. This month of Ramadan is very important and significant for a Muslim. Because this month is a month full of virtues, every Muslim wants to remove all the sins in his life. For that, a Muslim makes the ultimate sacrifice in this month of Ramadan. During the month of Ramadan a Muslim does everything according to the time i.e. Sehri as it is time for Iftar. According to this time all activities have to follow those times. That is why the calendar published by the Islamic Foundation is correct about the schedule of the month of Ramadan and the schedule of Iftar. It is very important for us to know about that.